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Snowy road conditions in Alberta persist Thursday after 52 collisions on QEII Wednesday

As snow continued to fall in parts of Alberta on Thursday, driving continued to be treacherous in areas and the RCMP revealed that the province’s busiest highway saw at least 52 collisions occur between Calgary and Edmonton a day earlier.
The RCMP disclosed the Highway 2 crash numbers in a news release issued just before 9:30 a.m. on Thursday and said three of those crashes saw people sustain injuries.
Calgary and other parts of southern Alberta remained under a snowfall warning on Thursday morning while more snow also fell in the Edmonton area, prompting the RCMP to once again caution drivers about being careful on the province’s roads.
“With the snow continuing to fall, RCMP expect poor driving conditions to continue,” police said in a news release issued just before 9:30 a.m. “If you do not have to travel, please stay home.
“If you must travel, RCMP want to advise motorists to use extreme caution, slow down and maintain an increased distance between yourself and other drivers.”
The RCMP also offered a warning specifically for drivers in the Leduc area Thursday morning, noting officers “are currently responding to several motor vehicle collisions” on area highways “due to low visibility, blowing snow and icy roads.”
A multi-day snow event continues for southern #AB with many areas already receiving 10 – 20 cm. Some southern regions will see varying amounts of snowfall continue into the weekend. Here are some preliminary numbers. Send us your snowfall reports at #abstorm.
— ECCC Weather Alberta (@ECCCWeatherAB) March 21, 2024

Lance Hughes, a fleet supervisor with the Alberta Motor Association in Edmonton, said Thursday was a busy day in the region due to collisions from“cars sliding and things like that.”
“The conditions this morning were worse than they looked,” he said.
“The snow last night and continuing into this morning made it quite slippery — deceptively slippery.”
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