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U.P. govt to spend

Uttar Pradesh will spend nearly ₹4,000 crore on the protection, treatment, and service of animals including cows, a government spokesman said here on Tuesday.
“The department of animal husbandry, dairy, and fisheries has prepared an annual plan in this regard while a budget of ₹3907.1 crore has also been proposed for it,” he said.
This includes complete details of the expenditure incurred in cow protection, veterinary education and other areas including veterinary hospital, polyclinic and service centre.
According to the annual plan, a total amount of ₹1,140 crore will be spent on cow conservation of which ₹140 crore will be used to establish cow protection centres, while the remaining ₹1,000 crore will be given as a grant for the maintenance of stray cows.
In addition to this, there is a plan to spend ₹470.30 crore on veterinary, polyclinics, and service centres. This includes ₹55 crore on establishing veterinary hospitals, ₹6 crore on veterinary polyclinics, ₹4.5 crore on veterinary service centres, and ₹71 crore to meet various expenses in veterinary hospitals, service centres, research, and diagnostic services (revenue head).
Furthermore, ₹36.52 crore will be spent on mobile veterinary services, ₹186.72 crore on the National Animal Health and Disease Control Program, and ₹22.50 crore on vaccination.
